Here you can read the rules, how to join in our team
To join our team you should create the new topic like "Want to join".
Write there next information:
1. Yours Nickname
2. City of your residing
3. Your basic game race
4. In what clans consisted/consist
5. Maximal rank on game servers (If played)
6. During what time you usually are in a network?
7. What Internet at you? (modem/adsl/lan)
8. Why you have wanted to enter our command?
9. Your ICQ?
10. Whether you participated in an offline the championships? Achievements?
You should be active, have an opportunity to take part in all command actions, and also, to find for game sufficient time.
You can not waste and our time and not fill the questionnaire, if:
1) you do not have number ICQ.
2) If you consist in other clans and after reception in our team are not going to leave the others.
3) If you will lose your test games => deny, if you show hight skill in test games, but lose => Voting of team members.
4) If you do not have constant access to the Internet or it is astable.
5) If you are in bad attitudes with someone from our command.
If you approach on the listed parameters - you can fill the questionnaire resulted below.
Your questionnaire will be answered with members of our command.
If they are silent - means they " not against "
So, decoding of opinions:
- "Confirm" (it is the recommendation)
- "Not against"
- "Categorically against" (it is the antirecommendation).
Now more detailed:
1) 3 members ORG or players " Confirm " - reception in a command without the test.
2) any 3 members "Against" - in reception it will be given up.
3) 1 member "ORG" or "Players" structure " categorically against " - in reception it will be given up.
In other cases to you will give an opportunity of test games, having written as it is possible to contact testers.
By results of test games the decision will be passed.
Please, do not delete questions of the questionnaire, and copy them and write beside answers.
Questions entering a command pAq. ********NOTE******** If you was invited of any our team gold squad members, u allowed to join wihtout test like a trial, and in 2 weeks team voting, allow to full join or not.
About you join in clan you must fill this